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Summary of a magical 2023!

With the end of the year just around the corner (wrapped up in the appropriate scarf!), it's time for us to look back at 2023, a year full of projects and achievements for le Cabinet d’Illusions.

The year 2023 got off to a great start with the publication of Nulle part ailleurs, which shows how to control certain cards while the spectator shuffles a deck!

This little booklet has been a great success, and we'd like to thank you for your support!

Also from Gérard Bakner, September sees the publication of Volume 2, which brings together the second part of the myriad principles and effects developed throughout the author's career. A book in which every page invites the reader to create, giving ever more original ideas for your magic acts.

In April 2023, we took part in the competition organized by International Create Illusion, and were honored to receive the Innovation Award for our Code effect! This prize is particularly meaningful to us, as we make a point of always creating new illusions, whether in method or effect, and of publishing books with original themes.

When it comes to the history of magic, there's no shortage of it either! This 200-page book is the fruit of a decade's worth of research into the fabulous story of Bénita Anguinet, the first prestidigitatrice. We presented this book exclusively at the European Magic History Conference (EMHC), where it was warmly welcomed!

The last book of the year is like no other, straight from the mind of Jimmy Delp, aka the Orange Magician! This comic strip recounts the most incredible anecdotes that have happened to him during his shows. On the program: a dress that catches fire, a presenter who goes a little too far, and the hassles of air travel for a magician!

Finally, our latest trick, just released: Constellations! A pure, fast and above all simple astrological sign-reading tool that will easily stay in your pocket and allow you to chain together diabolical effects without asking the spectator for the slightest information about the sign he's chosen!

In short, a year rich in projects, and we're not talking about meetings! The FFAP congress, the ICI competition, the magic braderie in Lille, the gathering in La-Chaussée-Saint-Victor... so many privileged moments that allow us to talk directly with you about our creations.... But also about those to come! I promise, 2024 promises to be rich in projects of all kinds. On the agenda: new books and effects, of course, but also a few unexpected things that we're sure you'll love! See you soon!

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