Your basket


We've all experienced that terrible feeling of having a magical idea in mind but not having the skills to make a prototype, or of wanting to print cards to create a trick for a special occasion but coming to a screeching halt when you realize you have to order 100 sets minimum...

In keeping with our philosophy of supporting creators, and drawing on our years of experience in consulting and effects creation, we are proud to make available to you the tools that have been our strength and success.

Now you too can have a gimmick card made to measure, ask for help in creating a trick and so much more, with no minimum order!

Our years of experience in the field have brought you this network of professionals, and now it's time for you to turn the idea that's been lying dormant in a drawer for too long into reality! And who knows, if your trick works, maybe you'll want to market it? We can help you there too!

Are you creating an act, a show or an effect, and would like some help getting it right?
We're here to help!
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Custom gimmick cards
Who hasn't dreamed of having their gimmick cards built on demand?
Now you can!
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3D modeling
Do you have an idea and want to create a 3D prototype? We'll take care of the modeling and printing!
We'll bring your ideas to life!
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Playing card printing
Opening in just a few weeks! You'll be able to personalize your playing cards, create your own games and much more. Just a little more patience... !
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Grand illusions
We're in the process of preparing the workshop so that he can design your grand illusions!
Just a little more patience... !
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Are you a craftsman who designs a specific product for magicians?
Contact us to discuss your project. We'd be delighted to set up a partnership with you!