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FISM Italy 2024: the results!

We've been waiting impatiently for them, so here are the new 2024 European champions who were crowned at this year's FISM in Italy!

Thanks to FFAP for this press release summarizing the results, and our sincere congratulations to all the candidates!


  1. No first prize
  2. Robin Deville
  3. Air One

Parlour Magic

  1. Piero Venesia
  2. Martin Hanson - Kenneth
  3. Adrian Carratala & Katerina

Comic magic

  1. Manolo Costa Y Mindaguillio
  2. Artem Schukin
  3. David Sousa

General magic

  1. Nikolai Striebel
  2. Filiberto Selvi
  3. Lucas Kaminski


  1. Maurice Grange
  2. Sergi
  3. G. Alexander


  1. No first prize
  2. No second prize
  3. Dos 3J


  1. Vova
  2. Rune Carlsen
  3. Morgan de Cecco - Gonç alo Gil

Stage illusion

  1. No first prize
  2. Alberto Giorgi
  3. Raúl Alegria

Prize for the most original issue awarded to Tim Oelbrandt

Invention prize awarded to Alberto Giorgi, Sergi and Damien Dubi

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