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Blackpool 2024 returns!

THE annual global convention where sleeping is a thing of the past! Here we take a look back at the Blackpool Magic Convention 2024, which lived up to its reputation.

Imagine getting on a plane and meeting magicians, then getting on a train and ... meeting more magicians! As we get closer to Blackpool, the number of decks of cards per square metre grows exponentially, and so does the number of familiar faces we greet! And then, when we finally arrive in front of the Winter Gardens to collect our precious admission ticket, there's no room for doubt: over 4,000 magicians are in town for three days of madness!

A line of magicians, all eager to receive their entry badges!

Once again, there was nothing to compare with any other congress: over 170 exhibitors, conferences almost every hour and top-quality shows, all organized by a master's hand, without the slightest punctuality or technical problem! A huge bravo to the organizing team, who have nothing left to prove!

Part of the exhibitor area, where the latest products are on display

It would be impossible to detail the entire congress, so while you wait for our video recap you can enjoy this video below, which recounts the highlights!

Finally, a wink as we wander down the aisles, an orange stand catches our eye ... that of Jimmy Delp of course! A comic strip that rings a bell! 😉

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